COVID-19: Is It Safe to Eat Non-Vegeterian Food?

It has been nearly over two months since we’ve been in lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. We’re now beginning to get back to our lives slowly during the lockdown 4.0. However, it’ll take us some time to get into same regime completely. There have been 138, 536 number of coronavrus cases in India alone with 4024 deaths due to coronavirus and over 50000 people have recovered successfully.

While we’re still struggling to get back to our lives, there seems to be a lot of confusion in our minds on what should we consume and what we should not. There’re some myths and conceptions doing rounds daily often triggering the panic button.

Since, coronavirus has originated from a wet market in Wuhan, China, there’re many staunch non vegetarians who’ve turned to vegetarian in last couple of months. Added to this, the scientists believe that the coronavirus is zoonotic in nature, which means that it can cause animals to humans.

So, it is safe to consume meat and pultry as we’re battling our lives during the coronavirus pandemic? Can coronavirus spread after non vegetarian delicacies?

The answer to above questions is a strict, “No”.

So far, there has been no clear evidence to prove that the novel coronavirus lives on chicken, eggs, meat, or seafood and that it can male non-vegetarian food unsafe for consumption.

According to Dr Randeep Guleria, Dorectpr AIIMS, Delhi, Coronavirus is an infection that spreads from one person to another consumption of non-vegetarian food or eggs does not cause the infectious disease.

In fact, no food whether vegetarian or non-vegetarian, is safe for consumption if you don’t follow some needed precautions.

“It should now be a common practice to follow basic hygiene and all kinds of meat and poultry should be thoroughly washed and properly cooked”, says the AIIMS Director. As long as you ensure that the food you’re eating passes though basic hygiene of washing thoroughly, you should be guaranteed that what you’re eating is completely safe for consumption.

Now that our lives are slowly getting back to normal, if you’re outside, dining out or ordering in, you just need to ensure the level of hygiene maintained by the restaurants and chefs. It is very important to maintain a good hygiene to avoid cross-contamination between raw or undercooked foods, and cooked or ready to eat foods in your Kitchen. This step is extremely critical as rigorous cleaning and disinfecting can cut down the risk of cross-contamination between undercooked and ready to serve foods.

The Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has advised certain preventive measures on how to handling and eating food. These measures include:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds before eating your food to prevent any germs from entering your body.
  2. Store raw meat separately from other perishable items in the refrigerator to avoid any harmful microbes from the raw foods spreading to the cooked foods.
  3. Wash the meat and pultry products thoroughly and always cook at a high temperature.
  4. Ensure to purchase meat, poultry and eggs from a trusted vendor and if required, inquire where they’ve acquired it from.
  5. Don’t consume raw and undercooked meat and poultry.

Final words

So, it is safe to be said that the non vegetarian food is NOT cause of spreading coronavirus. But one thing is for sure that you must keep yourself away from rumours.

Therefore, you need to keep your calm and have your favorite non-vegetarian delicacy but make sure you follow proper hygiene practices.

Universal Marketing takes utmost care of your safety and our products are delivered by trained professionals who’re equipped with masks and gloves. Hence, your order is absolutely in safe hands. We at Universal Marketing provide a range of meat and poultry products. Visit Our Products page to view the different categories of items we provide like dairy imported cheeses, meats, seafood, and ready-to-eat food packages. Reach out to us for any inquiry, and we will be happy to serve you.

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