How to Protect Yourself and Others from COVID-19 Disease?

We’ve been in the lockdown for over 40 days due to coronavirus pandemic to protect ourselves and our family from getting affected with the deadly disease. We’re currently in Lockdown 3.0 as lockdown has been extended for another two weeks.

Most of the state governments have started to resume their operations with a lot of restrictions because we can’t really be in permanent lockdown as the economy is going down.  

India is a developing country and it cannot afford to totally shut down businesses. There has already been a considerable amount of loss that most of the states are facing due to this pandemic and most of industries like hospitality and tourism is facing a severe cash crunch.

However, when it comes to our health and safety, the onus is on ourselves as it is we who should be concerned for our health.

As some of you might be notified to come back to work that is the need of the hour, it is time that we follow certain rules to ensure our safety.

Here are few simple precautions that you must adhere in order to reduce your chances of being infected or spreading COVID-19 disease:

1. Clean your hands

Yes, this is still the best way to prevent you from coronavirus pandemic. You must wash your hands regularly and thoroughly with a regular soap and water or via an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Washing your hands will kill the viruses that may have appeared in your hands. Also, you must keep an alcohol-based hand sanitizer along with you while travelling to work.

2. Maintain social distancing

It is always advisable to keep atleast a 3-feet distance between yourself and others because whenever someone sneezes or coughs, they spray tiny droplets from their nose or mouth that may contain virus. If you’re standing close then you may breathe in the droplets including the COVID-19 virus incase the person is infected with the disease

3. Avoid crowded places

By all means, you must avoid going to crowded places whatsoever as you’re more likely to come in contact with COVID-19 disease if you’re standing in a crowd.

4. Boost your immune system

A strong immune system helps to keep a person healthy. Therefore, you must build a strong immune system in your human body to keep the COVID-19 disease away from you and fight off the illnesses. There’re certain specific foods, such as blueberries, turmeric, dark chocolate, oily fish, ginger, and garlic that you must include in your diet to strengthen your immune system.

5. Wear a cloth face mask

In addition to the above precautions, you must wear a face mask covering yourself in public to prevent of any chances of getting infected with COVID-19 dosease. Since, there is a shortage of face masks, it is recommended to create your own mask from a simple cloth in your household. Wearing a face mask is mandatory as it may be difficult to maintain social distancing in certain areas.

6. Stay at home

Ensure you stay at home or self-isolate yourself even if you have minor symptoms of cough, headache, mild fever until you recover. This will help avoid coming in contact with others and thus protect them from possible COVID-19 disease. In case, you feel that you’ve all the symptoms of COVID-19 disease then you must immediately seek medical attention, and follow the directions of health authorities.

7. Stay informed

As we’ll start to travel for work, the chances of coronavirus spreads will increase. So, we must stay armed with facts and updates about this disease. I would definitely recommend you to download the Aarogya Setu app on your smartphones to keep yourself updated about the disease. This app has been developed by the government of India and they’re making all the efforts to keep the public aware about the disease.

Final thoughts

Therefore, these are some of the precautions that you must follow to protect yourself from COVID-19 disease.

Also, you can visit the government of India website about Conoavirus or visit the website by World Health Organization (WHO) that contains all the information and updates about this disease.

We at Universal Marketing believe in taking good care for your safety so that is why our delivery services by trained professionals is equipped with masks and gloves so your order reaches to you safely. Feel free to reach out to us via email at or call us on 9873498465. 

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